Friday, November 19, 2010

Butterflies Today

I know, I know, it's only a craft show, it hasn't cost me much to be involved and I've only made forty grannyhangers, which hasn't broken even my limited bank, but I'm nervous. Seriously nervous.

What if everyone hates it?

I had a dream last night that some guy threw a grannyhanger at me and ridiculed the notion that I could sell it, that it was worth selling, at any price. I looked at this little bent up freaky grannyhanger and it really was a piece of junk. I was crushed. Completely.

ACK. My subconscious is conspiring against me.

Oh, well. Grannyhangers aren't crap. They're well thought out, perform the task they've been designed for, and they look beautiful while they're doing it.

Stylish functional jewelry. Yes, indeed.

Go AWAY, butterflies!

Roll on Saturday.

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